

Too many rules?

Denver’s program to permit cannabis social clubs is struggling.

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Otherwise, Denver’s marijuana businesses flourishing

New report says city’s effective regulation has created jobs and generated tax revenue.

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Jefferson County gets grant to steer kids away from cannabis

School district uses grant to hire three new school nurses and six social and emotional learning specialists.

KDVR Story »

Cannabis-related nonprofit incubator coming to Denver

Founders say Nuvolution aims to help fund education and research efforts.

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Members in the News

Native Roots’ commitment to giving back highlighted

The Colorado marijuana dispensary chain donated more than $25,000 to Chanda Plan Foundation, which provides healthcare services for people with disabilities that are not covered by insurance.

The donation came from a June Wellness Month promotion that dedicated a portion of sales of three different marijuana strains high in CBD, which is typically used to manage pain and reduce inflammation.

“We are so honored that Native Roots picked Chanda Plan Foundation for this opportunity,” said Chanda Hinton Leichtle, Executive Director of Chanda Plan Foundation. “This donation is far more than what we imagined, and we will be able to impact many individuals because of it.”

Studies validate success of Colorado’s cannabis marketplace

Competition up …

Colorado’s marijuana industry is maturing quite nicely, thank you. That’s the conclusion of new report commissioned by the Colorado Department of Revenue, which says the industry is seeing increased competition and meeting demand for residents and tourists alike, compared to 2014 estimates that the legal market was only supplying 65 percent of demand. 

“This report gives me comfort that the licensed, regulated commercial marketplace is working well and is part of the state’s continuous effort to monitor a comprehensive marijuana regulatory framework, improve transparency and use data to inform the public about Colorado’s marketplace,” Mike Hartman, executive director of the Colorado Department of Revenue, said in a press release.

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Colorado rules

A new report ranks Colorado as the best state in the country to start a marijuana business.

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Looking ahead

Cannabis pioneers predict where the industry is headed.

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Parents upset over veto of cannabis for autism bill

One of the three bills Gov. John Hickenlooper vetoed at the end of the session would have allowed individuals with autism spectrum disorder to access medical cannabis. Parents of these children said they were devastated by his decision. 

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Marijuana proceeds help fund record school construction program

State officials have approved the largest ever school building program, one that is funded in part by proceeds from legal marijuana sales.

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The Coffee Joint

Take virtual tour of the nation’s first marijuana club with Colorado Public Radio. Besides sampling your purchase, you can watch TV, play foosball or attend a cannabis-infused yoga class. The shop’s biggest customers: tourists looking for a legal place to consume the marijuana they’ve bought before leaving town.

“Some of the tourists, they come in with their bags for DIA, stay in here, consume and go back to DIA, because they had a layover,” co-owner Rita Tslayuk says.

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Cannabis Cares helps former athletes prosper personally and professionally

The non-profit has two missions, one to offer services such as business training, legal and emotional assistance and accelerator classes to former athletes. The other is dedicated to  research and education about sports-related injuries and opioid alternatives like cannabis.

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The Denver Post guts

Founding editor Ricardo Baca attempts to buy back groundbreaking site »

Bill would protect cannabis research

A bipartisan measure filed in Congress would protect grants to academic and medical institutions that conduct cannabis research »



“It’s because unemployment is virtually non-existent” in Colorado, said Curtis Graves, a lawyer at the council. “People cannot afford to take a hard line against off-duty marijuana usage if they want to hire.”

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From the files of wait, WHAT?? 


The Republican former Speaker of the House has joined the advisory board of Acreage Holdings, a company that cultivates, processes and dispenses cannabis in 11 U.S. states. Boehner’s endorsement, after saying nine years ago he was “unalterably opposed” to legalization, could be considered a watershed event: Marijuana has gone mainstream.

“Over the last 10 or 15 years, the American people’s attitudes have changed dramatically,” he said in an interview. “I find myself in that same position.”




Science backing cannabis benefits continues to grow

The latest comes from the esteemed Journal of the American Medical Association, Internal Medicine, which published a pair of new studies showing legal cannabis access reduces opioid abuse.

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Pot over pop?

The cannabis industry is already four times bigger than tobacco, closing in on wheat and expected to soon surpass soda sales.

Bloomberg Article »

WSJ Article »

Filling the pot holes

With road construction season on the horizon, Denver says cannabis revenue will enable the city to repave an extra 50 blocks.

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Two new towns legalize recreational cannabis

Voters in Naturita and Berthoud have approved the sale of recreational marijuana.

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Craft brewer adds a cannabis twist

The brew master behind Blue Moon craft beer substitutes THC for alcohol in new brew.

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