
Upcoming Events

April 26

Q2 Cannabis Caucus Event Series – Boulder 

 April 26-28

The Institute of Cannabis Research at Colorado State University-Pueblo holds its second annual international cannabis research conference on the CSU-Pueblo campus.

May 21-23

Join NCIA in Washington, D.C., for NCIA’s 8th Annual Cannabis Industry Lobby Days


“Greatness can come from anywhere,”

“Just think about that. You don’t have to have a certain background, a certain nationality, a certain sexual orientation. Greatness can come from anywhere.

“If you believe that. If you can believe you can be great. You can achieve anything you want to achieve.

NFL Hall of Fame running back-turned-entrepreneur Terrell Davis told the Minority Cannabis Business Association’s first Opportunity Summit.

Read the Article »

Upcoming events

420 evolution

Denver is preparing for its annual 420 event. But with legal marijuana now a mainstay, organizers are trying to steer the focus away from smoking and politics to a festival celebrating cannabis culture.

Read the Westword Article »

CDPHE Head Sits Down with Colorado Leads 

Dr. Larry Wolk, executive director and chief medical officer of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, told a crowded room of Colorado Leads members that the state “has a pragmatic, objective and evidence-based approach to marijuana legalization.”

Wolk discussed a wide-range of issues surrounding the legal cannabis industry and dispelled a number of myths perpetuated by legalization opponents.

“Access doesn’t necessarily mean an increase in use,” he said.  “There is a very low rate of marijuana-related ER and hospital visits (in Colorado).  We shouldn’t make more out of it.”



Dan Anglin, President of AmericannaCo, debated Jeff Hunt of Colorado’s Centennial Institute on a variety of topics and questions about Colorado’s cannabis industry. The debate was broadcast live to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) last week.  

View Video »

The future of drug testing?

Cannabis groups promote new testing app to help garner support for legislation to keep workers from being fired for lawful use.

Read the story »

Pot tax law fixed

Governor signs bill to fix legislative error that was costing special districts millions in revenue.

Read the story»

Upcoming Events


January 23, 2018
Medical marijuana and veterinary medicine
January 23, 2018
Quarterly Cannabis caucus
1 & 2, 2018
Women grow leadership summit


Upcoming Events – 12/6


December 7  Cannabis Business Awards 2017
December 7  Blunt Talk
December 11 Aspen High Summit 
December 17  December 17 Cannabis Consulting & Training Responsible Vendor Training Class

November Events 

ICYMI:  Colorado Leads in the News….

Pot industry to hold political fundraiser for party in opposition, The Daily Sentinel 

It’s time to look beyond the clichés as cannabis comes of age in Colorado, Colorado Politics


Colorado’s Native Roots jumped into the national fundraising effort aimed at helping the victims of hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, contributing supplies and donating $15,750.  Calling Sept. 15th  “5 percent Donation Day,” the company earmarked the percentage of revenue from all 19 of its retail locations across Colorado for hurricane relief.  Read more in The Denver Post.