
Not all Canadians are nice


Columbian drug lords were known to keep lions, tigers, hippos and venomous snakes, but Canadian drug traffickers have different taste in exotic animals.

A recent police bust just north of Toronto recovered $150 million worth of illegally-grown marijuana, guns, crossbows and . . .   THREE kangaroos and TWO zebras.

No word on who owned them and why. More…

Some shells hold pearls, others . . . 

U.S. customs and border officers found almost 40 grams of cannabis hidden inside seashells shipped from Nigeria. Cannabis was put into plastic bags in the shell and taped closed.

Wouldn’t a package of sea shells raise questions to begin with?
Not exactly top-notch smugglers here.

And in closing…

If you are a parent dealing with quarantine or just need a laugh to get through the day, High Times has 42 stupid quips, puns, and jokes about parenting and cannabis here.

Not your father’s Family Feud … 

One can’t help but wonder – for those of you old enough to remember Richard Dawson, the original host of Family Feud – what the 1970s would’ve thought of the daytime television question: “what kind of businesses are booming in states where marijuana is legal?” 

And how did the contestants do? Hint: it takes a very, very long time for someone to name dispensary. View on Twitter »

Regs to stop the black market also prevent a bear market

If you somehow missed this classic Colorado moment, please take a moment to watch a bear in Lyons try – but fail – to break into a dumpster behind a marijuana dispensary.  Colorado regulations require that cannabis waste is kept in “a secured waste receptacle in possession and control of the Licensee” so that it isn’t diverted to the unregulated market. 

We can hardly bear how well those regulations are working (sorry). 

Watch the Bear! »

It’s Official!

And in closing, The Onion officially endorsed legal marijuana.  The reasons are well, unique.  A sampling:

”Ending the prohibition on cannabis will send a clear message that we are a society on the verge of collapse, and hopefully inspire the citizens of this nation to make the final push over the edge.”

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And on a lighter note….


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