

Colorado rules

A new report ranks Colorado as the best state in the country to start a marijuana business.

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Looking ahead

Cannabis pioneers predict where the industry is headed.

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Parents upset over veto of cannabis for autism bill

One of the three bills Gov. John Hickenlooper vetoed at the end of the session would have allowed individuals with autism spectrum disorder to access medical cannabis. Parents of these children said they were devastated by his decision. 

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Marijuana proceeds help fund record school construction program

State officials have approved the largest ever school building program, one that is funded in part by proceeds from legal marijuana sales.

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State of the Industry

The newest report on Colorado’s on marijuana industry provides a wealth of facts and figures, from how much marijuana is grown to the average life cycle of Colorado marijuana plants. Want to know how many edibles vs. buds were sold? Or how the medical vs. adult-use market is shaking out?

It’s all here in the Colorado Department of Revenue’s 2017 Marijuana Enforcement Division annual report. (Actual report:  Click to View PDF)

The MED report also notes that the number of licensees that passed compliance checks to ensure they are not selling to underage buyers rose to 95.1 percent from 94 percent in 2016.

“While we’re pleased that the percentage of licensees passing underage compliance checks increased from 2016 that number still isn’t good enough,” said Jim Burack, MED Director. “We’ll continue to increase the frequency of our enforcement efforts and further educate marijuana licensees on their operational requirements vital to protecting public health and safety. Importantly, business licenses are subject to discipline, including revocation, if management is not diligent about underage enforcement and associated employee training.”

Members in the News

Colorado’s Wana Brands, a top seller of cannabis edibles, has entered a year-long partnership with ultrarunner Flavie Dokken to break the stigma that marijuana users are lazy and to promote it as an effective training tool and pain relief alternative.

Races on Dokken’s horizon include the Quad Rock 50 Miles, Bryce Canyon 50K, and Mad Moose Crested Butte 105K. SNEWS talked to her about her alliance with Wana Brands and why she opts for cannabis capsules over other painkillers.

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Pain relief without the high


New study underscores need for more research on CBD and pain.

In case you’ve missed it, CNN and Dr. Sanjay Gupta, its Chief Medical Correspondent, have been running a series on medical marijuana.  After a recent episode on the benefits of using marijuana over opioids, Dr. Gupta published an open letter to U.S. Attorney Jeff Sessions.

“Before I started this worldwide, in-depth investigation, I was not particularly impressed by the results of medical marijuana research,” Gupta wrote.  “But a few years later, as I started to dedicate time with patients and scientists in various countries, I came to a different conclusion. Not only can cannabis work for a variety of conditions such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and pain, sometimes, it is the only thing that works.”

Read his letter here » 

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