

Science backing cannabis benefits continues to grow

The latest comes from the esteemed Journal of the American Medical Association, Internal Medicine, which published a pair of new studies showing legal cannabis access reduces opioid abuse.

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Pot over pop?

The cannabis industry is already four times bigger than tobacco, closing in on wheat and expected to soon surpass soda sales.

Bloomberg Article »

WSJ Article »

Filling the pot holes

With road construction season on the horizon, Denver says cannabis revenue will enable the city to repave an extra 50 blocks.

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Two new towns legalize recreational cannabis

Voters in Naturita and Berthoud have approved the sale of recreational marijuana.

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Craft brewer adds a cannabis twist

The brew master behind Blue Moon craft beer substitutes THC for alcohol in new brew.

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The Good, the Bad and the Fake 

First the good …

The first-ever report from Colorado State University-Pueblo’s Institute of Cannabis Research says the marijuana industry has had a net positive economic impact of more than $35 million in Pueblo County. At the same time, researchers say they found little conclusive evidence to support arguments that marijuana legalization has increased homelessness or contributed to other widespread social change.

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Now the bad…

Colorado’s congressional delegation was unable to do an end-run around Attorney General Jeff Sessions in the latest federal funding bill. They and more than a dozen other lawmakers wanted to include a provision to prohibit the Justice Department from cracking down on recreational marijuana use in states where it is legal.

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And the really fake …

If there’s one thing we learned in last year’s elections, you can’t believe everything you read. This month, this old hoax about Colorado McDonald’s restaurants installing marijuana “smoking pods” started making the rounds again. And no, it’s still not true.

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Under the Dome

Tasting rooms, other cannabis bills advancing in Colorado legislature.

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CBD, the growing wonder drug?

New study indicates the oil used for pain, anxiety and seizures may also prevent relapses in alcoholics and cocaine and other drug addicts.

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Another study indicates cannabis-based products could help eczema and other skin ailments.

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Another Colorado first

Colorado lawmakers form nation’s first “Cannabis Caucus.”

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Dan Anglin, President of AmericannaCo, debated Jeff Hunt of Colorado’s Centennial Institute on a variety of topics and questions about Colorado’s cannabis industry. The debate was broadcast live to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) last week.  

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The future of drug testing?

Cannabis groups promote new testing app to help garner support for legislation to keep workers from being fired for lawful use.

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Pot tax law fixed

Governor signs bill to fix legislative error that was costing special districts millions in revenue.

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In The News

Colorado Springs may reconsider ban on recreational pot

Some in Colorado Springs are rethinking the city’s ban on recreational marijuana sales as cash flows to neighbors.

Dream scholarship? 

It may sound like every college student’s dream, but a Boulder potrepreneur is serious about a scholarship to fund cannabis industry studies.

Food for thought 

Can the cannabis industry learn from the tech industry’s mistakes? Fast Company takes a look at efforts to diversify the burgeoning legal marijuana.


Credit union resumes fight to service cannabis industry

The Fourth Corner Credit Union is back with a scaled-down strategy for serving the legal marijuana industry.

In Steamboat, it’s easy being green

With only three dispensaries in town, Steamboat Springs is set to surpass $10 million in marijuana sales this year.

What’s in a name?

What’s in a name? A lot of potential litigation as many popular bud names are tied to Star Wars and other protected works.

Medicine Man opens in Thornton

Four years after  the first legal sales of recreational cannabis in Colorado, Thornton gets a dispensary.