

Wipe low-level marijuana convictions clean?

That’s what The Denver Post editorial board proposes, noting that laws have “adapted to meet the realization dawning over America that marijuana is a relatively safe drug.”

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Cause for concern?

What President Trump’s pick for AG could mean for the marijuana industry.

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Cannabis and Alzheimer’s

Harvard’s McLean Psychiatric Hospital is partnering with Spier Family Foundation to research the potential benefits.

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Following the money 

As legalization spreads, the Associated Press looks at which U.S. companies are getting into on the marijuana industry. 

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Looking ahead

Will new legislature be more cannabis friendly?

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Legal cannabis means early retirement for some officers of the K-9 kind

The legalization of marijuana is forcing some drug-sniffing dogs into early retirement and prompting trainers and law enforcement departments to rethink whether to include cannabis in the list of substances dogs are trained to detect. The move comes on the heels of a Colorado court case that says that a dog’s reaction to what might be legal marijuana jeopardizes a law enforcement officer’s ability to initiate a probable cause search for any illegal substances.

NY Times Article »


As cannabis prices fall, states may have to go back to the drawing board

Policy analysts says states like Colorado may have to rethink their taxing schemes.

Washtigton Post Article »

10th Circuit to rule on cannabis workers protections

The appeals court will decide whether workers in Colorado’s legal marijuana industry are entitled to wage and hour protections under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

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Longmont gets first adult-use dispensary

Elected officials, city leaders and other celebrate the opening of Terrapin’s sixth store, the first in Longmont.

Times Call Article »

State awards $2.7 million for studies on therapeutic uses of cannabis

One will research marijuana as an alternative to opiods for chronic spine pain; the other  will look at CBD and autism.

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With Sessions out, industry exhales collective sigh of relief

The departure of Attorney General Jeff Sessions has sent cannabis stocks rising and calmed states an industry on edge from his tough anti-marijuana rhetoric. While acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker hasn’t taken a stand on the issue, marijuana advocates are hopeful they have  escaped the toughest scrutiny.

LA Times Article »


Legal marijuana is helping to solve hallway and classroom conflicts in Colorado’s public schools. That’s according to Allison Horton, a teacher at Denver’s Skinner Middle School, which is among 71 schools across the state that got money last years from the Colorado Department of Education’s Bullying Prevention Grant program. The program was created in 2016 after voters approved spending marijuana tax dollars on school construction and other efforts aimed at improving school health and safety.

Denver Post Article »

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December 2- 5

Aspen High Summit

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Jared Polis not only expressed support for the marijuana industry in his successful bid for Colorado governor, he made it part of his strategy to win.

How Jared Polis won»


Legal marijuana wins big in other states….

The growing public support for legal marijuana was evident at the polls this month as Michigan became the 10th state to legalize adult use and sales. Voters in Missouri and Utah approved the legal use of medical cannabis. And more than a  than a half dozen states elected governors who support legal cannabis.

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That’s good news for Colorado companies like Colorado Leads member Wana Brands, which expects to be in six additional states next year.

Read the KDVR story »

And then there were none….Sessions that is.

Both U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and  Republican Pete Sessions of Texas, the chairman of the House Rules Committee who’s been blocking votes on cannabis amendments are both out


“Since Colorado became the first state to legally regulate marijuana, the national conversation has shifted from whether we’ll legalize to how we should do it.”

Art Way
Colorado State Director for the Drug Policy Alliance.

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Marijuana and the elderly

Survey shows nearly half of older marijuana consumers in Colorado use cannabis products at least weekly for chronic pain, depression, anxiety and insomnia.

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Noxious odor verdict favorable for growers

University of Denver expert says case may reduce RICO liability for growers.

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Holiday treats

Denver baker turns cannabis into seasonal gourmet goodies.

Read the 5280 article »