
With social equity on the minds of many in the cannabis industry, Marijuana Business Daily asked six Black cannabis business executives from around the country their thoughts on how to create a more inclusive industry. They cover everything from licensing to partnering with minority-owned businesses to changing the makeup of your C-Suite.  The story is here.

Movement in the right direction.

  • The Hogan Law Group looks at Colorado’s HB-1424 social equity license, noting that the state did  “the right thing.”
  • Black CBD founders are finding their place in surging support for Black Lives Matter
  • The Color of Cannabis, a group organized to help promote social and economic justice as it relates to cannabis, is holding monthly Zoom clinics to help people convicted of cannabis crimes expunge their record. The next one is on August 22 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sponsors of the clinic include Colorado Leads members Native Roots and Vicente Sederberg.  Register for the event here.

More to be done

Richard Cowan, the former NORML National Director and author on the Real Tested CBD blog, encourages businesses to invest in Black entrepreneurs. “We cannot just back BLM and think we have done our duty,” he writes.