
Legal banking for state regulated marijuana companies – I guarantee it

U.S. Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-CO), who sits on the House Financial Services Committee, purportedly “guaranteed” that a bill allowing banks to legally service state-regulated marijuana companies “is “going to pass the House overwhelmingly” according to former U.S. Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA). “Democrats want it. Banks want it. The Republicans are split. But the main obstacle before was [former Attorney General] Jeff Sessions, who was obstinate on this, and now he’s gone,” said Frank, who has joined with Beantown Greentown, a local group of underground growers, marketers, and event organizers trying to go legit.

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Even Denver Mayor Michael Hancock weighed in, tweeting: “Time is long overdue for marijuana businesses to have access to the same banking and financial services that other legitimate U.S. businesses have. Let’s make this happen.”