
Colorado Leads Praises U.S. Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO) for his Unwavering Leadership on States Rights 

Denver – Colorado Leads, a cannabis business alliance of over 50 Colorado companies, thanked U.S. Sen Cory Gardner Friday for his unwavering leadership in fighting for state rights and ensuring a reliable business climate for Colorado’s responsible cannabis industry.

Through conversations with President Trump, Gardner was assured that Colorado’s marijuana industry won’t be targeted by the federal government and that the President will support a legislative solution that makes clear the federal government cannot interfere with states that have legalized marijuana. 

“We applaud Sen. Gardner’s leadership and his tireless efforts to provide certainty for the state’s cannabis industry, which employs thousands of people and contributes millions of dollars to the state and local economies,” said Chuck Smith, Board President of Colorado Leads. “We are also fortunate to have state elected officials, like Gov. John Hickenlooper, who have supported cannabis companies and worked with us to create a responsible and strictly regulated industry, which is considered the model for other states.”

“Today’s announcement clears a huge hurdle for our industry,” Smith continued. “Our focus must now be on banking and 280E reform. Conquering these issues will support responsible growth of the industry and further ensure public safety.”

The cannabis industry is the fastest-growing business sector in the state creating more than 39,000 direct jobs and an economic impact of $2.4 billion.  In 2017 alone, the marijuana industry generated $226 million in taxes and fees, and over the past four years, $639 million in taxes and fees has been collected, The tax money has gone towards school construction projects and mental and behavioral health services, as well as to local governments that have used the tax money for new streets, homelessness programs college scholarships.

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