
Colorado Surpasses $15 Billion in Legal Marijuana Sales, $2.5 Billion in Tax Revenue

More than $15 billion in regulated marijuana sales have taken place in Colorado, generating more than $2.5 billion in tax revenue, since legal adult sales began in 2014, according to a news release from the Colorado Department of Revenue.

Specifically, the state has seen $15,028,995,376 in total legal sales (medical and adult-use) as of August, producing $2,554,160,551 in state tax revenue as of September. This tax figure does not include the hundreds of millions of dollars produced by local sales taxes and special marijuana taxes collected by local governments.

Hundreds of millions of dollars in state marijuana excise tax revenue has been distributed to the Public School Capital Construction Assistance Fund, which provides funding for school construction projects. Marijuana tax funds have also been allocated to a wide range of other areas, from mental health and treatment services to bullying and dropout prevention programs.