

Polis underscores support for cannabis initiatives with inaugural program

The new Colorado governor had his ceremonial schedule printed on hemp paper.

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Julian Castro supports state’s rights on cannabis

Presidential candidates says “growing evidence from Colorado and other states suggests we can sensibly legalize marijuana use with reasonable controls in place. State voters should have that power.”

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New Congress, new cannabis caucus

With Gov. Jared Polis’s departure from Congress, the caucus will be led by Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Oregon,  Rep. Barbara Lee, D-California, Rep. Dave Joyce, R-Ohio, and Rep. Don Young, R-Arkansas.

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Legal cannabis five years later

Retail cannabis sales are booming in Colorado, and so are the state coffers. But much of the bad predicted to accompany legal sales have not materialized. Alternet looks at five impacts the industry has had in Colorado.

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Yes, we’re in Colorado but “Florida Man” news is always entertaining 

A Florida man is in jail for trying to pay for his food at a McDonald’s drive-thru with a bag of marijuana.

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