

NY couldn’t get it across the finish line

A recent poll showed that 55 percent of voters supported legalization, but New York’s plan to legalize marijuana collapsed Wednesday, “dashing hopes for a potential billion-dollar industry that supporters said would create jobs in minority communities and end decades of racially disproportionate policing.”

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When banks won’t give you lines of credit, why not create your own?

Columbia Care has introduced the industry’s first cannabis credit card. 

“Columbia Care initiated its CNC Card on a trial basis in New York State in the second half of 2018. What the company found was that, when compared to other forms of payment, those folks who purchased cannabis products with the CNC Card had a basket size that was 18% larger for in-store purchases.”

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At least no one in Colorado built an 8,000 sq. ft. social consumption facility that’s now useless…

The Nevada Legislature pulled the rug out from under Las Vegas with Assembly Bill 533 that overrode the Las Vegas City Council’s work of over two years in licensing social use cannabis venues. Venues now have to wait until at least 2021. From Leafly, “Las Vegas OK’d Cannabis Lounges but Nevada Just Said No.” More »

Come for the stories of entrepreneurs having to shelve their plans indefinitely, but stay for an understanding of the remarkable political pull large casinos have in the way policy is crafted and implemented.