

Everything old is new again

It turns out digital marketing isn’t as effective as . . . wait for it . . . an in-person experience!  Even in the digital age, some people like to look up from their phones once in a while and interact with other people who have looked up from their phones.  

And this is good for business.  Consumers say that a face-to-face experience helps them remember a cannabis brand.  More »

CBD heaven . . . at 7-Eleven?

Kristen Soltis Anderson, a columnist for the Washington Examiner, said two years ago that “the robots are coming, whether we like it or not.”  But there was no indication she thought robots would be dispensing CBD alongside Big Gulps and Big Bites.  But that is exactly what’s happening at select 7-Eleven stores in Colorado.  More »

State of play 

A good wrap of the state of cannabis reform across the country and at the national level. 

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Is there a work-around for cannabis ad bans?

Maybe. A martech startup called Vana claims it has built a platform that can help cannabis and CBD brands run ads legally using age-gating and state-gating technology. The company says it has signed on more than 6,000 cannabis and CBD brands and retailers and has been running ads across its publisher network that includes BuzzFeed, Hearst, and USA Today.

Cannabis Laws Create Compliance Problem for U.S. Broker-Dealers

The Wall Street Journal looks at how brokerage firms are navigating the divide between state and federal marijuana laws. More »

An alert for your Christmas plans in Mexico

The country’s highest court granted a request to extend the deadline to legalize marijuana.  Instead of October 31, the legislature now has until April 30, 2020.  More »

Coming down, but steady

Marijuana Business Daily’s chart shows that cannabis investment activity is up 40% over 2018, but it’s slowing. Analysts say slowed investment isn’t unexpected after a period of rapid growth. More »


No one will confuse Polis with Hickenlooper

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis shared some tips on Facebook (or FACEBOOK) about how to grow bonsai-style marijuana plants.  We will just leave the link here.  More »


Wasting Away

Leafly does a good job of discussing waste generated by the cannabis industry, why there is so much waste, and what innovative tactics U.S. states (including Colorado) and countries are doing to minimize it.  More »

Equity and diversity 

Karson Humiston , CEO and founder of the Denver-based cannabis industry recruiting firm Vangst, talks about the need for more industry diversity. She remains optimistic, she said, because of the enthusiasm she sees from companies about solving the issue. More »

Also, Wanda James talks about what it’s like to own a marijuana dispensary as a woman of color in Colorado and dispels the misconception that dispensary owners are “rolling in dough.” 

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What do Playboy, the NRSC and U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner have in common? 

Cannabis. No really.  The National Republican Senatorial Committee tweeted: “We can’t believe we’re tweeting a @Playboy article, but we have to agree that @CoryGardner is working hard to find solutions for Coloradans in light of marijuana legalization.”

The Playboy article — How a Republican Senator Became the Biggest Cannabis Power Broker in Congress — is here.  More »