
New Member Spotlight: Kaycha Labs

We are thrilled to welcome Kaycha Labs Colorado to Colorado Leads!

Kaycha Labs is the largest network of full-service, ISO-accredited cannabis testing laboratories in the U.S. Its state-of-the-art testing equipment utilizes more than 500 automated methods and procedures to accurately, consistently and quickly deliver regulatory testing and testing analysis for quality control, traceability, shelf-life, batch creation and refinement of cannabis products. Additionally, Kaycha’s research lab assesses the efficacy of CBD products for therapeutic outcomes and provides this data to physicians, patients, and researchers. Kaycha is headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and it has Gold Standard labs in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, Oregon and Tennessee, all of which meet the guidelines and requirements of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Colorado Leads member companies include a wide range of licensed cannabis operators and ancillary businesses, and we encourage any organization or individual who shares our vision and mission to consider joining. Visit the Membership section to learn more.