
What a Difference a Year Makes

Last week, in a standing room only, boiling hot room, Gov. Jared Polis signed six pro-cannabis bills into law.  

Up first, a new law that opens up Colorado’s cannabis industry to outside investors for the first time.  The measure was vetoed last year by then-Gov. John Hickenlooper. 

Two stories below, that coincidentally quote Chuck Smith and Colorado Leads, shed some light on the new law. 

“If everything goes as expected, Colorado legal cannabis industry is about to get a major windfall,” wrote Forbes.
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“The law is expected to bring new cash flow into Colorado as well as marijuana products from companies that previously were unable to do business in the state,: wrote Marijuana Business Daily. 
Article Here »

Polis also signed social consumption legislation that creates a new license for cannabis retailers to sell marijuana products that could be consumed in a designated hospitality zone. Authorized medical cannabis shops will be able to deliver marijuana to patients starting in January 2020 under another bill. Recreational cannabis dispensaries will be able to make deliveries to adults 21 and older starting in January 2021. The social use and delivery proposals require that local communities opt in before businesses will be allowed to offer those services.
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An overview of the bills can be found here »

And here »